From Traumatized
to Quantumized.
Dr. Carly Letzt is an energy practitioner, author, energy educator, and developer of: Quantum Spinal Chiropractic™ (QSC), Quantum Neuro Energetics™ (QNE), and the Quantum Energetic Embodied Experience™ (QE3). Dr Carly also holds VIP experiences worldwide for thought leaders and world changers and The Energy FLO DOJO™, Destination: SOUL™, Sober Psychedelics™.
About Carly Letzt
Originally trained as a chiropractor, Carly developed these programs and immersive experiences over the past 30 years of working with thousands of people from all over the world……from the US to Mexico, to Canada to South America to Europe and more. Her clients include entrepreneurs, athletes, influencers and thought-leaders, A-list celebrities. In addition to many people that you may know she also works with many everyday people who know that there is more to life and they work with Dr. Carly to access higher states of consciousness and embody them in a profound way to live in a state of FLOW and reach their greatest potential. All of Dr Carly’s current work under the Quantum Carly brand all grew out of over 30 years of growing the largest Network Spinal Chiropractic practice in the world and training and certifying 12 associate doctors and training and certifying hundreds more. Dr Carly under the Quantum Carly brand has released Quantum Spinal Chiropractic (QSC) for chiropractors and Chiropractic students. Quantum Carly has also recently released her life’s work for others to learn from her as a healing art called Quantum Neuro Energetics (QNE). QNE grew from many doctors and massage therapists and many reiki masters, medical doctors, somatic DOs snd NDs and other practitioners asking Dr. Carly and her team if they could learn the chiropractic technique QSC they Dr. Carly eloquently bridges neuroscience, quantum physics, energetics and flow states to educate and empower others to their greatest levels of coherence and ability to share the gifts of their soul.
Dr. Carly believes that we are superconductors of consciousness and stringed instruments of consciousness. She teaches her students and clients through innovative processes, quantum and energetic principles and unique spinal flow systems (with her background as a chiropractor) that we are all hard-wired for greatness. She helps to rewire their nervous systems to activate inner wisdom as well as the wisdom of the transcendent soul through the Quantum unifying field. She helps people to recode their bodies, minds, and fields to greater coherence and long-lasting change.
After being in private practice for 3 decades and serving on the international teaching and transformational Gate staff for Donny Epstein, the developer of Network Spinal, formerly Network Spinal Analysis formerly Network Chiropractic. She also has been influenced by other masters over the years such as: Dr. Joe Dispenza, Lynne McTaggart (the author of “The Field”), Dr David Hawkins (The Map of Consciousness), Greg Braden, Dr Nassim Haramein, Dr. Bruce Lipton and her dear friend, colleague and fellow chiropractor, Dr. John Amaral (of Goop Lap and the Energy Experience and so many more. Dr. Carly has Created 1-7 day long immersion events and in-depth courses about energy and consciousness. Chiropractors and chiropractic students apply once a quarter to be able to participate in the very sought after Quantum Spinal Chiropractic (QSC) trainings and certification programs. Dr Carly can only take 100 Chiropractors a year into her trainings. The next round of applications is about to open.
Such as Destination: Soul and her greatly sought after yearlong Immersive Program Quantum Neuro Energetics that is currently on a waitlist. It is a healing art that she developed and has taken the energy and healing world by storm. Another program sought after is The Energy FLO Dojo. These programs are offered in person and online and there are hybrid offerings in person and online.
Dr. Carly Letzt has been part of Donny Epstein’s international teaching team for chiropractors studying and learning Network Spinal and Epienergetics Transformation Gate Team too serving the world under Donny Epstein as well until Dr Carly moved into teaching under her brand Quantum Carly. Dr Carly’s clients started to call her Quantum Carly because of the experience they started to have when when working with her and when participating in the Quantum Biohacking events that she has co-hosted with her brilliant husband, Dr Mark Carney. Quantum Biohacking is a phrase that Dr Carly and Dr Mark started using when there patients and clients at immersive experiences started to share their experiences when Dr Carly and Dr Mark joined forces. Lightening struck when The Biohack Doc, Dr Mark Carney joined forces with Quantum Carly, Dr Carly Letzt, in 2003 and they’ve been surfing the waves of the field together ever since. They like to say they are Quantum Biohacking and the culmination of the fact that The Mitochondria married the Quantum. They like today that their daughter, Davianna, is their emblem of love and the result of such a high vibe union.
Dr. Carly had a realization that working with people frequently over time is not as effective as the immersive experiences and curriculums that she developed over time. So now Dr. Carly sees clients one on one on a very limited basis and serves through her courses and immersive experiences such as: Destination: Soul and in-depth immersive courses such as: The Energy Flow Dojo.